The 2013 Graphics of the Americas show, held in Orlando, FL on February 21st – 23rd, brought together printers, designers and creative professionals from over 90 different countries in one exciting and informative venue. Many of the attending printers were looking for faster and more environmentally friendly computer-to-plate options for their businesses, and Mitsubishi Imaging had a perfect solution on display.
Located in booth #701, Mitsubishi Imaging was busy holding demos of their processless Thermal Digiplate CTP system and discussing the merits of replacing aging CTP platesetters with the compact and chemistry-free Thermal DigiPlater. Printers were able to evaluate first-hand the efficiency and productivity of the Thermal DigiPlater, and to calculate for themselves the immediate costs savings by eliminating chemistry from their current platemaking process.
To see a demo of the processless Thermal DigiPlater CTP system, CLICK HERE.
For information in Spanish on the Thermal DigiPlater CTP system, CLICK HERE.